Touch-and-Feel Play Book with Flaps: "Poppy and Sam Hide and Seek Animals"

Touch-and-Feel Play Book with Flaps: "Poppy and Sam Hide and Seek Animals"

69.99 NIS
69.99 NIS


A play book where flaps are lifted to find hidden animals. Each page also includes interesting tactile elements: smooth, rough, and fluffy textures. During the search, children get to know the animals, practice early counting, and have lots of fun. Where is the third sheep hiding? Where is the fourth chicken?
Charming illustrations and surprises under the flaps.

This beautiful activity book by Usborne offers children not only an enjoyable and educational experience but also exposure to some of the best quality and design in the world. Usborne creates engaging activity books that are colorful, humorous, and meticulously illustrated. The books, illustrated by top artists worldwide, are produced to the highest quality and provide children with an experience they will love and remember.

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