Little Dutch

Little Dutch Doll Jake

Little Dutch Doll Jake

139.99 NIS
139.99 NIS

Meet lovely Jake. This plush doll with his cool hat and yellow rainboots can't wait to be cuddled. Jake will be your new best friend. He will always be there when you want to play or need a big hug. Together with his grey cat, he loves to look for little treasures. Whether it's inside the house or on the beach, he always knows how to find something special. What will be the first treasure you will find together? Jake is soft and cuddly, 35 cm tall and comes in a beautiful storage box.

توصيل سريع ومجاني
لطلبات ما فوق ال 400 شيكل
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كفالة نصف سنة
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1000+ زبون مبسوط
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