Busy Zoo

Busy Zoo

49.99 NIS
49.99 NIS

Move, Pull, Push, Turn, and Slide – Each image features surprises that make characters and objects in the pictures move.
A sturdy playbook from the Busy Book series, showcasing images from the child's life and surroundings. It introduces names of objects, actions, places, animals, and first experiences, through play. Each book contains five pictures—show them to the child, describe what is happening in them, and what changes when the child moves parts of the images. These will engage the child in independent browsing and play.

Macmillan, the British publishing house, has been home to great creators since 1843, producing cultural treasures for children, from Alice in Wonderland to The Gruffalo. Macmillan also creates 3D books, baby books, and high-quality activity books.

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